What You Need to Know about Skin Cancer- A Brief Guide

What You Need to Know about Skin Cancer- A Brief Guide

Skin cancer is an illness that develops (reverses) from the normal healthy cells becoming malignant (cancerous). This can happen at any point in your life. Often skin cancers do not always develop in the same areas of your body as other signs and symptoms. However, most skin cancers do form in at least two separate places on your body.

It is not unusual for someone who has cancer of the skin to have their skin exposed to sun rays from the sun or certain types of tanning beds. People who work outdoors also expose their skin to tanning beds and outdoor pollutants. Exposure to radiation from these sources can often make skin cancer more likely to develop. People who often develop skin cancers are often exposed to a lot of sunlight during their lifetimes. They are more likely to have abnormal growth than a person who rarely develops skin cancer.

Risk factors associate with skin cancer:

There are many risk factors for developing this disease. Any person who has a family history of skin cancer is at risk. The risk factors can be different if a person has a family history of other types of cancer. Other risk factors include people who develop a tumor on their bones (osteoporosis), which have a family history of or live in a household where someone works with radiation, or who have a history of skin cancer in their families. Some medical conditions, such as liver or kidney disease, can also make you more likely to develop this disease.

People with dark skin color are at greater risk than other people to get skin cancer. Skin cancer can also be more likely to develop tumors on the eyelids, around the hairline, or in the eyebrows. Men with light skin and men with blonde or red hair are also at higher risk than women. Also, people who get skin cancer more often than others may be at higher risk.

Melanoma is the most common form of cancer caused by overexposure to the sun. It is more likely to develop in people with fair skin because people who have a lot of melanoma have a genetic predisposition to it. Melanomas that have developed after overexposure to the sun generally have a depressed center. They also become larger and darker over time. The majority of melanomas that develop will not spread to other parts of your body or your lymph nodes. If melanoma spreads outside of its original area of origin, it is referred to as a ‘tumor.’